Tuesday, March 24, 2009


So. It's spring here now in south-central Wisconsin, which, you know, is pretty gravy. This is my kind of weather - anywhere around 50 degrees whether it be sunny or not to be perfectly honest. It's really the ideal type of weather for almost anything. On a sunny day you can get away with shorts and a t-shirt - although, shorts aren't really my thing. On a cloudy day you can wrap yourself up in a super comfortable sweatshirt. It's perfect.

At any rate, so, the state of Wisconsin - my home state, my love, my pride - recently announced a change to its tourism slogan and logo. Simply put, it's terrible. Whatever happened to "Wisconsin. You're Among Friends."? Now that was a solid slogan. Nice, simple, to the point. I'm a pretty realistic guy, I know Wisconsin isn't a hot vacation spot - we've got some nice things to be sure - but we're not Arizona, we're not Florida, we're not Colorado, etc. So. How much can a slogan and a logo do? Basically, what I'm saying... if you're going to waste everyone's time and have a slogan and a logo, at least don't make it suck.

Let's throw down some more on this monstrosity of a logo (but let's not google the phrase "live like you mean it" because deep down inside no one wants to actually acknowledge that the phrase is ripped off, stolen, plagiarized). First of all, what's with the guy doing a handstand/cartwheel? "Come to Wisconsin and you'll have so much fun you'll do cartwheels!" (Honestly, just try to tell me that slogan isn't at least just as good as "live like you mean it" - Hell, at least it goes with the logo). If we're going to propagate stereotypes about Wisconsin (this current slogan of course revealing just how lame Wisconsin is) let's propagate a stereotype that might actually draw in some tourism. This guy is on the right track:

And now let's address the font. It looks like it belongs like the font for a really cheesy motel. Just imagine the same "W" attached to the side of a motel on the side of a highway called "Woodgate Inn." $39.99 a night! Live like you mean it! Sleep with bugs!

So basically, what was the point of this post. There wasn't one. There doesn't need to be one. Okay, but really. What a stupid logo.

In case you were wondering, the title of this post is a Latin phrase meaning "This is the man for whom my wife left me."